Rejection Sampling Algorithm |
The Monte Carlo Principle: Draw samples from a Target Density p(x) known up to a proportionality constant. The rejection sampling algorithm generate RANDOM samples from known proposal distribution q(x) that satisfies p(x) <= Mq(x), M-Bounded.
Algorithm :
- Sample xi~q(x) - (N(MU, SIGMA^2)) and u~U(0,1)
- if u < p(xi)/Mq(xi) accept propose RANDOM sample xi and
MATLAB script
% Monte Carlo Methods
% Accept Reject Sampling Algorithms
clc, close all, clear
x = linspace(-10, 10, 1e4);
c = 1; s = 2; f = 1.5; M = 5.2;
p_x = px( x, c, s, f );
q_x = normpdf(x, c, s);
Mq_x = M*q_x;
N = 1e3; % N- Number of Samples,
i = 1; j = 0; tic
while(i <= N)
u = rand; j = j + 1;
xi = normrnd(c, s);
if u < px( xi, c, s, f)/ ( M*normpdf(xi, c, s ));
xrand(i) = xi;
i = i + 1;
rtime = toc
NofProposals = j - 1;
% Histogram of Random Samples,
[ xP, bw] = hist(xrand, 200);
xP = xP /( N*(bw(2)-bw(1)));
figure, bar(bw, xP), hold on
plot(x, p_x, 'r', x, q_x, '--y', x, Mq_x,'--g', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend('Random Samples','Target Distribution','Proposal Distribution','Scale Proposal Dist')
title('Rejection Sampling Algorithm '), xlabel('x'), ylabel('p_x')
Target Distribution:
function p_x = px( x, c, s, f);
% Target Distribution
p_x = abs( exp( -(x-c).^2/( 2*s^2 )) .* cos( f* x) );
MATLAB Simulation Results
N = 1e5;
NofProposals = 1.63e5;
Running Time = 2.2min Approx;
Acceptance Perc = 61%;
Almost 40% of the samples were discarded,
This Link has a very good explanation of MCMC methods
MCMC and Machine Learning:
Rejection Sampling Dev-C
The Main Advantage of c-implementation over MATLAB is that for 1e8 samples it took less than a minute
while in MATLAB the same simulation last well beyond 20min.
/* C Example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "MCMC.h"
#define N 10000000
#define PI 2*acos(0)
int main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
/* Rejection Sampling Alg. Parameters */
// Target Density Parameters
int c = 1, s = 2;
float f = 1.5;
// Scaling Constant
float M = 5.2;
/* SET random seed using CPU Clock */
unsigned seed;
seed = time(NULL);
/* Allocate Space for Samples */
int np;
double * xrand;
np = N/1; // Number of Samples by EACH process
xrand = malloc( np*sizeof(double)); // Allocate Space
FILE *ft ;
ft = fopen ( "RejectionSampling.txt", "w" ) ;
if ( ft == NULL )
fclose ( ft ) ;
return 0;
// Rejection Sampling Variables
int i = 0, j = 0; /* Counters */
double u, xi;
/* Rejection Sampling Algorithm */
while( i < np ){
u = U01(); // Random Sample
xi = N01()*s + c;
if( u < px( xi, c, s, f)/( M*qx( xi, c, s)) ){
*(xrand+i) = xi;
fprintf( ft, "%f \n", xi);
fclose ( ft);
return 0;
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PI 2*acos(0)
double px( double x, double c, double s, double f);
double qx( double x, double c, double s);
double U01();
double N01();
#include "MCMC.h"
/* Target Density */
double px( double x, double c, double s, double f){
return fabs( exp( -(x-c)*(x-c)/( 2*s*s) )* cos( f*x) );
/* Proposal Density */
double qx( double x, double c, double s){
return 1/sqrt(2*PI*s*s)* exp(-(x-c)*(x-c)/( 2*s*s) );
/* Uniform Random Number Generator */
double U01(){
return (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
/* www.taygeta.com/random/gaussian.html
BOX-MULLER Algortihm, */
double N01(){
double x1, x2, w, y1, y2;
x1 = 2.0*U01() -1.0;
x2 = 2.0*U01() -1.0;
w = x1*x1 + x2*x2;
} while( w >= 1.0 );
w = sqrt( (-2.0*log( w))/w);
y1 = x1*w;
y2 = x2*w;
return y1;
Dev-c Simulation 1e8 Samples |
Rejection Sampling and MPI - Parallel Programming